CORSA1 by RevitsOne is the most innovative and advanced portable air sanitizer in the market. It is equipped with a four stage air filtering process. Primary foam filter, UltraViolet air treatment chamber, actuated carbon filter and finally HEPA filter. Corsa 1 focuses mainly on the microbial disinfection property of ultraviolet rays. Utilizing ultraviolet lamp technology, this product kills up to 99.9% of airborne bacteria, viruses, black mold and fungal growth, reduces odors and respiratory allergens and reduces airborne transmission of influenza, colds, and viruses.
Personal Air Sanitizer

Weinber inc. has been manufacturing premium quality nano ceramic coating, polishes, compounds, waxes, fuel & oil additives, degreasers.
“SIRIUS PRO is a premium quality nano ceramic coating engineered with advanced technology in nano ceramic protective coating. SIRIUS PRO created especially to give you the ever best surface protection and latest Ceramic Coating application technology”.
Sirius pro is the 3D hybrid molecular structure that creates a 3D matrix high gloss finish to the coated surfaces and ultra-hydrophobicity keeps safer for longer.

Nano Ceramic Coating & Car detailing products

IRNSS Tracking System
Shield is a rider safety device,designed developed and manufactured by Thinture. You can add your best friends to Shield, so that they can help you, in case you are in trouble.
without compromising your privacy ,Shield provides effective protection to you, while you are riding a Shield installed two-wheeler/car.
In case of an accident,Shield will alert your registered contacts about it, with location details and the fastest route towards you,AUTOMATICALLY!! Shield can raise an emergency alert to your registered contacts,in case you are in a threatening situation,while riding.

Speed Alert system is a speed warning system for automobiles. The system can be installed in any type of vehicles and can be programmed for speed alerts. The device will display the actual speed while vehicle is running and will alert (Buzzer) the driver once the vehicle exceeds the set speed limit.